Phoebe’s First School Play

Phoebe’s been taking an elective acting class during the second semester of sixth grade. She’s talked about almost nothing else for the past few months! The class performance was last night. Half the class performed Peter Pan and Wendy: A Musical, book and lyrics by Alyn Cardarelli, music by Steve Goers. The other half of the class created a divising team: they wrote their script, acted, and stage managed. It was a wonderful evening! I didn’t take any videos of the second play, since Phoebe was in the first one, but those kids did a great job too.
Phoebe sent me with a list of cues so I could tape her scenes. I occasionally missed her entrances. Oh, yeah, and I kept turning the camera. Since yesterday, I’ve learned a lot about what camera software can and can’t do. I’ve also spent a lot of time trying to learn video editing. Then I gave up and posted everything. Please enjoy, even if you have to turn your head to watch parts of the show!
What a great play! Phoebe has a rare talent for portraying a character. One might almost call it a dramatic flair! Well done, Miss P.
Grammie and Pappy
WOW! What a great job Phoebe. You were so good and all the lines you had memorized. BRAVO!