A Trip to the Zoo
On July 15, Grandpa and Grandma Hazelton and Phoebe and I went to the zoo. We had a great time! Phoebe stayed awake the whole day and got some quality time with all of us. Plus, there was some excitement! While we were eating lunch, a man in an official uniform walked by, carrying a tranquilizer gun. Then a bunch of zoo officials came and herded everyone on that side of the zoo to the other side, past the elephants. We were ready to go over there anyway, so we didn’t mind going along with the group. It turned out that a cassowary (a big bird like an emu) had escaped! We read in the paper the next day that they were able to corral it with a fence and get it back into a safe location.
One Comment
Valerie Cheuvront
Thank you for sharring. What a wonderful day that must have been! Just too cute for words, that is what Grammie says!