As I mentioned in my last post, we got a bit of snow on Christmas Eve. Technically it wasn’t really enough to do anything with, but if you collected it from the whole yard, there was just enough for a little Phoebe-sized snow fort (AKA cave or quinzee). I think the pictures that Jess took tell the story pretty well, so I’ll stop typing and start uploading. Enjoy!
Dad, I’m ready to make a snow fort.First you rake and shovel all of the snow into a big pile using teamwork.Little shovels for big girls and big shovels for daddies.Here’s some snow, daddy!It’s starting to look like a fort, but the inside is too small!Yep, make it bigger inside!A little bigger. Here, I’ll help with the rake.Almost ready.Daddy, can you fit inside?I think it’s finally ready for inspection.Looks kinda scary; are you sure I’ll fit?As I suspected, it’s a little tight inside. How do I get out?Initiate the emergency evacuation protocol!