Life @ Home

The Johnsons Visit…Plus a Tooth!

On June 29, my work friend Karen and I did a sprint triathlon on Lookout Mountain. The swim was a breeze (though the water was a bit too warm), but the bike ride was brutal. It started off with a very long, fast downhill…not a good sign when you know you’re going back to the same spot. The uphills were slow and hard. I felt very good on the run—we’ve been running 2 miles 3 times a week at work, so that helped a lot. The scenery was beautiful, and the temperature was perfect—at 6:30 in the morning when we started.

Benjamin's first swing ride.
Benjamin’s first swing ride.
Happy that the race is over!
Happy that the race is over!
Phoebe working on a project on the playground.
Phoebe working on a project on the playground.

On the Fourth of July, we all had the day off, so we went to the coffee shop and for a hike on the weather trail at NCAR. Phoebe agreed to go, but then threw a minor fit about being too tired to walk. We eventually managed to make it all the way around the loop, partly because I promised to read all the interpretive signs on the way around. You’ve got to love a kid who wants to read interpretive signs!

Sitting on a rock with some lichen.
Sitting on a rock with some lichen.
The cacti were blooming! ("No, Pat, no, don't sit on that!")
The cacti were blooming! (“No, Pat, no, don’t sit on that!”)
Dave carried the backpack in case we absolutely had to use it.
Dave carried the backpack in case we absolutely had to use it.
Benjamin had a lovely time, as usual.
Benjamin had a lovely time, as usual.
Look who's not in in this photo! She'll be running the world before we know it.
Look who’s not in in this photo! She’ll be running the world before we know it.
We found a bench to sit on.
We found a bench to sit on.

July 5, Dave and I had the day off. The kids’ school was open. Enough said? (We went to the coffee shop, where I drank my ENTIRE drink alone, and then to a matinee.)

Our good friends the Johnsons visited from Minnesota the first week of July. It was great to see them again! We all went to a 4th of July barbecue at the Brinkmans’, but we didn’t take any photos. Katie, Todd, Henry, and Ingrid stayed with us beginning on July 5. Katie took a lot of photos, which she shared with me. I don’t have a single photo of her!

July 6

Smithsonian zoo tee-shirt.
Smithsonian zoo tee-shirt.
Doesn't he look like a swimmer from the 50s?
Doesn’t he look like a swimmer from the 50s?
I'm always game to read a book, and I love Frog and Toad.
I’m always game to read a book, and I love Frog and Toad.

On Sunday we went to church and then out for an afternoon hike on the Coal Creek Trail in Lafayette. The kids did great; Phoebe is much more enthusiastic about hiking with a friend!

Ingrid was fascinated by Benjamin.
Ingrid was fascinated by Benjamin.
Off we go!
Off we go!
Henry's a bit fuzzy, but Phoebe looks like a perfume commercial.
Henry’s a bit fuzzy, but Phoebe looks like a perfume commercial.
The kids are (whiningly) trying to stand on the same stump.
The kids are (whiningly) trying to stand on the same stump.
Made it!
Made it!
Phoebe grabbed Henry's hand.
Phoebe grabbed Henry’s hand.
Benjamin and I always look the same.
Benjamin and I always look the same.
Todd and a slightly bored Ingrid.
Todd and a slightly bored Ingrid.
This little girl drinks water like it's going out of style!
This little girl drinks water like it’s going out of style!
Water break (some spitting followed).
Water break (some spitting followed).
Boy, Todd's having a good time!
Boy, Todd’s having a good time!
Phoebe tests the water.
Phoebe tests the water.
Kids on stumps.
Kids on stumps.
These look like happy hikers!
These look like happy hikers!

When we got back, some music was made.

Playing in the band.
Playing in the band.
Letting Ingrid have a turn.
Letting Ingrid have a turn.
Henry spent most of his time here reading in Phoebe's room.
Henry spent most of his time here reading in Phoebe’s room.

On Monday the 8th, we hosted YABS. We had a great turnout and a lot of fun hanging out in the backyard! (It’s been very hot for the last two weeks.) I hope we can keep up the annual photos; it’s hard to believe we used to be a bunch of childless, fancy-free young adults. The kids add a lot of joie de vivre, and there’s at least one more on the way.

Brinkman, Bronski, Gribble, and Johnson kids, plus Jade!
Brinkman, Bronski, Gribble, and Johnson kids, plus Jade!
Things devolved. Check out the chokehold on baby Sarah!
Things devolved. Check out the chokehold on baby Sarah!

Wednesday was exciting because Benjamin finally cut his first tooth! Of course, you can barely see it, but it’s a hard pointy lump, and he’s been pretty uncomfortable. It seems like he’s been teething most of his life, so we’re delighted to have something to show for it!

Benjamin's first tooth! (Use your imagination.)
Benjamin’s first tooth! (Use your imagination.)

We made it through almost a week of work plus softball. On Thursday the 11th, we went to the park in Louisville to hear a cool band called Los Bohemios (Cuban, Brazilian, Latin, and Mexican motifs). We had a picnic dinner on the grass and bumped into some folks we know from church. It was a lovely evening.

Sweet potatoes with turkey all over.
Sweet potatoes with turkey all over.

Now it’s Saturday again. We all lazed about this morning before our traditional burritos and coffee.

The two gentlemen, sound asleep.
The two gentlemen, sound asleep.
Phoebe ignores their sleeping in favor of reading a book.
Phoebe ignores their sleeping in favor of reading a book.
Wow; a foam cat on top of her hot chocolate!
Wow; a foam cat on top of her hot chocolate!

On the way back from the coffee shop (by stroller), we stopped at the garden to pick some veggies. Things are growing!

Today's produce from the garden. Not a bad haul!
Today’s produce from the garden. Not a bad haul!

On Mother’s Day, Phoebe gave me a little bottle with three very tiny plants she grew at school. I never asked what they were, but I faithfully watered them. Now they’re blooming!

Mother's Day flowers.
Mother’s Day flowers.


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