This is just a quick post to update you on our Halloween activities. (More September and October photos to come later.) We carved pumpkins on Monday night, and the kids joined forces with some friends to trick-or-treat tonight. Phoebe got to eat plenty of candy, and Benjamin didn’t cast any dangerous spells.
The kitty was designed by Phoebe, the tree by Dave, and the vampire by Jess.It was a cold and windy night.I just love this picture of our tiny Harry Potter.Here’s our little Harry Potter!Mommy with the two kiddos.Benjamin and Phoebe had a fun evening!All our trick-or-treaters: Whitman, Phoebe, Tilley, Thomas, John, Benjamin, and Dave.The back of the Spidergirl costume.Spidergirl contemplates how much candy she can get away with eating tonight.
One Comment
Very Artistic pumpkin carving! Great costume choices too, looks like a very successful
Halloween! Was there any candy left this morning??