I went on a field trip with Phoebe’s class to Sombrero Marsh in Boulder. I didn’t even know it was there! It was freezing that day, but we still had a marvelous time learning about birds, insects, plants, and animals.
Eating lunch at Sombrero Marsh on a cold, windy field trip.Who packed that nice lunch?Happy second-grader.Really happy second-grader! (Or she’s waiting for a bug to fly in.)Selfie at lunch.Huge storytime.Lovely view from the marsh.Kids in the bird blind.I can see Phoebe in the middle there.Looking toward the north Boulder smokestacks.Here’s the education building.
April 4
Benjamin had a fever and stayed home from school.
Sick kid.Showing some sign of life.Finally eating some crackers after 3 full days of sleep.Matzo ball soup (left untouched, alas).
April 8
I’ve never seen him draw a mouth before, but this is one happy car.Rocking the trike!Phoebe wasn’t feeling well enough to read to a dog, so we took a photo for her. Benjamin got to pet him gently a couple of times.
April 9
Now Phoebe’s home from school.
Reading Harry Potter on a sick day.
April 12
The Alicia Sanchez kindergartners had a choir concert. This time, Benjamin was appropriately dressed! (More or less.) It’s early June now, and he’s still singing some of the songs from their performance. It was terrific.
Kindergarten concert. Who’s that nonchalant businessman right up front?Check out the socks and Lightening McQueen sandals. Next tech billionaire? Or Big Lebowski?We’re all done!
April 14
Some work friends and I got together to bake Mittens the Cat Cake, an incredibly complicated recipe Jane discovered on NPR around Thanksgiving.
Mittens the Cat Cake.The chocolate and pumpkin mousse interior.
Phoebe fell in love with Harry Potter and read it over and over.
Final page, book 1, Harry Potter.Hmm. This might actually be the final page.
April 17
This is the second of the two Mittens the Cat Cakes. This one also had gelatin issues, but it’s so pretty!
April 23
Benjamin did ten weeks of physical therapy at KidSPOT, which is owned by his first physical therapist, Jessica Fuentes! He worked hard, had fun, and progressed a lot. He earned his hot chocolates. (KidSPOT is located below Vic’s Coffee Shop in Louisville.)
Hot chocolate with a bendy straw after a physical therapy session with Miss Lindsey.
I interviewed the kids about their plans for being a grown-up.
April 24
Turns out, melty beads are very relaxing! I made this for my friend Jenn, who got a new job.
April 25
This must almost be the end of the snowy mountains for the year.
April 26
Benjamin was working on a melty bead project and singing a song from his school concert.
April 27
I tried to get Benjamin to come to Take Your Children to Work Day, but he declined. Phoebe came with me the day after the official day; BVSD schools were closed because so many teachers were marching in Denver for better pay and more money for schools.
Working on snap circuits in “her” cubicle.Drinking hot chocolate and working on a puzzle.Finally working! My colleague Robin asked Phoebe to open a bunch of envelopes from the Copyright Office.Take Your Children to Work Day.Now Robin has her unpacking books.
Third year in a row taking this photo in front of the ABC-CLIO logo!What a cutie.
April 28
Phoebe won first place for second- and third-graders in the Lafayette Youth Poetry Awards! She was invited to a reception to read her poem, which was truly wonderful.
Phoebe reading her prize-winning poem.The judge for the poetry in English explaining his thought process on Phoebe’s poem.Benjamin and his apple sitting on a peacock sitting on a frog. Public art!
April 29
California rolls for lunch.Pam’s apple tree in bloom.Looking up through the branches of the apple tree.Snapped this one at the library because Phoebe looks like a grownup with keys in one hand and a shopping bag in the other.That little perch must’ve been made for kiddos!