Happy Halloween, Plus Swimming!
Phoebe is finally old enough for holidays! She looked forward to Halloween for a couple weeks and counted down the days this past week. On Thursday night, we carved the pumpkins the kids…
Breaking News…Benjamin Is Walking!
Benjamin has been holding our hands to walk for several months. During the past week, he’s been practicing standing up without holding on. Yesterday he linked up the two skills; he could suddenly…
Haircut and First Day of School
Benjamin had become a shaggy dog, and there was no way I was letting Dave trim his curly hair. We had to cancel our first try at a haircut because he had hand,…
Gribble Summer, Part 2
When we got back from Missouri, we went to work for a couple of days. My parents arrived at our house on Thursday evening (they’d spent the first part of the week touring…
Gribble Summer, Part 1
At the end of June, we went up to Fort Collins to do some camping. We had a very picturesque campsite right on Pinewood reservoir, but our site was so sloped we couldn’t…
Spring Flew By
Tomorrow is the first day of summer. I’ll just jump right in to catch you up! Phoebe’s adorable Keen tennis shoes finally got too small. If you ask her why she keeps getting…
Like every month, April flew by. Dave was getting accustomed to his new job, and I finished working at Lynne Rienner Publishers on April 4. I took a week off, and I actually…
Second Half of March: Excitement!
Phoebe’s fourth birthday was the main attraction for the end of March. She was initially disappointed that I insisted on throwing the party at our house, but once she chose a camping theme,…
Half of March
Saturday, March 8, we went to Wow for Isabelle J.’s birthday party. Isabelle is one of Phoebe’s group of good friends, which includes Calae, Kylie, and a love/hate relationship with Fritz. The big…
Just a Few Things
On March 3, Benjamin moved up a room at daycare. He’s now in a class with kids who are walking, even though he’s still crawling and cruising. His teachers, therapists, doctor, and parents…