Mishaps and Adventures
This week has been gray and rainy. One afternoon I realized that if I’d been at work, I’d be wishing that I were home reading a book. And I’m home! So I got…
A Visit from Grammie
We haven’t had much chance to write this week. Dave’s mom is visiting and she’s been hanging out with Phoebe while I get a few things accomplished…none of which have been the blog!…
Weekend with the Baby
We had a very nice weekend with Miss Phoebe. Once again, it was a delight to have Daddy home! After a stop at the coffee shop, where we consumed breakfast, we headed to…
Happy Easter!
Well, Easter was a couple of days ago already, but we haven’t had time to write. We had a lovely day! Phoebe had her first bath at home (a sponge-down over the bathroom…
Good Friday
It’s a chilly Good Friday here in Lafayette. Dave has the day off, so I get to share parenting duty—a welcome relief after four days of going it alone during the day! The…
Morning Snapshots
Last night had its ups and downs…Phoebe and I got up, I tried to put her down, we got up again, etc. She had a bit of a sniffly nose and couldn’t eat…
Almost a Week Old!
Little Phoebe will turn a week old in the wee hours of this morning. She’ll probably be awake to mark the anniversary! We had a Good Night last night (Monday)…I know this because…
A New Day
Well, it’s already day two of little Phoebe’s outside-the-womb life. Those tiny heels that were so often making circles under my right rib cage are swaddled up in a clean blanket printed with…