Call Home Before the League Game
I just want to set the story straight. I mean the story Dave told a couple of posts ago, in It’s a League Game, Smokey. Here’s my side: I needed the car, because…
Chiles Rellenos
Dave had to work on Friday, so I got up and did some video exercising. I had a project in mind—cleaning up my home e-mail (1193 messages in the inbox!)—so I worked on…
New Year’s Eve and Day
Dave and I spent our weekend off doing more or less nothing, except having fun and storing up energy for 2009. We spent New Year’s Eve with Andrew and Maggie, Andrew’s parents and…
Well, I can finally blog about the secret, which is a secret no more. I spent two sessions noodlemaking before Christmas, and sent noodles off to family for the holiday. I love the…
Spending Our Time Off
Well, the holiday was certain to end. I’m not too bummed about going back to work; I have Thursday and Friday off and we got outside today, finally! We had a great time…
Merry Christmas!
I repeat, Merry Christmas! We went to the 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service at church last night, so we got to start our celebration in the car as the new day turned over.…
In Lieu of Twitter
I don’t Facebook, and I don’t tweet. Nor am I entirely sure whether “Facebook” is already a verb. I’m happy to explain why I’m not a fan of these newfangled social networking devices…
The Rest of the Weekend and Bonus Excitement
My poor old, old, old laptop shut down just as we were getting ready to leave The Cup. The screen suddenly went dark and a dire sentence: “Core temperature has reached 27° C:…
Getting Ready for Christmas
It seems like we’ve been getting ready for the holiday since Thanksgiving! I don’t know how people with kids do it. I didn’t even bake cookies, which I think is de rigeur once…
I just read a Newsweek story about procrastination. I’m serious—I just read it, and here I am, responding! All jokes aside, it was interesting to me because I’m a procrastinator—I always have been.…