Quick update
Obviously, I wrote the previous post at the end of June and just now posted it. Garden update as of July 21: WEEDS!! WEEDS!! WEEDS!! The whole garden is green with weeds. You…
The End of June in the Garden
This sprouting garden is a new thing for me. I had no idea how truly badly my vegetables were doing the last two years, until this snowy, rainy spring. I’ve watered no more…
Caving and Camping
Shoot; it’s practically impossible to write a post at this coffee shop! But I owe you one; I haven’t written anything since Memorial Day weekend. Dave and I are at Caffe Luna in…
A New Computer!
It’s been about 7 years since Jess and I purchased a new computer. This doesn’t count a laptop I received a few years ago from work as a holiday bonus or a new…
Wheel Building
Kokopelli’s Trail was hard on my bike. It’s already rough on a race hardtail to have a 200+ pounder riding around on its back, but add on the extra 20-30 pounds of gear,…
I’m sitting in Bongo Billy’s Salida Cafe, drinking a cup of coffee and reading Persepolis for book club on Tuesday. The book is wonderful so far. My knees are aching. My thighs are…
Kokopelli’s Trail: Day Four
The previous day’s ride was hard both on my body and my bike. I crawled, almost literally, into camp at about 10:00 pm, but Jess’ yummy Indian dinner really hit the spot, and…
Kokopelli’s Trail: Day Three
On the third day, I rose with the sun and spent several minutes taking pictures of the sunrise. The previous night had been the coldest, and I found a little frost on our…
Kokopelli’s Trail: Day Two
One of the great things about camping out is waking up to the early morning sun streaming in through the fly of your tent. If you happened to go to sleep before dark…
Kokopelli’s Trail: Day One
Up until a couple of days before the big Kokopelli’s Trail ride, I wasn’t sure when it was going to happen. Balancing all of the things in my schedule, along with Pete’s and…