Life @ Home

Good Friday

It’s a chilly Good Friday here in Lafayette. Dave has the day off, so I get to share parenting duty—a welcome relief after four days of going it alone during the day! The excitement during the last couple of days included Phoebe losing her umbilical cord stump on Wednesday afternoon. I felt a little sad about one more milestone come and gone, but I was mostly relieved, as it was rubbing on her diaper cover and looking painful (not that she really seemed to notice).

Phoebe as a mini Rubens painting.
Phoebe as a mini Rubens painting.

Yesterday the little girl and I went on a car trip to Babies R Us to get a breast pump so that I can start saving some of the now-prolific milk we’ve been blessed with. We also went to the grocery store. She slept the whole time, but I was exhausted by the end of our journey! In the afternoon, our friend Maggie brought over little Tilley, who is only two months older than Phoebe. Tilley had just gotten a shot and was a bit cranky, but she’s already grown to ten pounds and is healthy with big eyes and a lovely mouth. It was great to see Maggie and talk babies. Katie brought pizza for dinner before band, but both Dave and I skipped band…me because of the feeding issue, and Dave because he was tired and didn’t feel like going. I think a new dad gets a one-week bye!

I swear I didn't pose her like this!
I swear I didn't pose her like this!

Last night would probably count as a Medium Night. It was great to have Dave’s diapering skills and good nature in the middle of the night. (As my mom would attest, I’m not very friendly during the night or early in the morning.) Phoebe looked around a lot from about 11:00 p.m. until about 12:30 a.m., but she slept in spurts after that. This morning Daddy showed her all the photos in her room, told her about bees (on the flowers), the stinkhorn mushroom we found in our yard, and how cool her ice-climbing parents are. He told her about Marvin the merry monster, who has a very slender neck and big fat baby legs. He diapered and diapered again. I got to take a shower without listening for the pterodactyl squawk!

Phoebe's tulip. (Our tulips rarely make flowers, even stubby little ones like this, so we figure this one must be in her honor.)
Phoebe's tulip. (Our tulips rarely make flowers, even stubby little ones like this, so we figure this one must be in her honor.)

Speaking of diapers, we went through all 80 of our cloth diapers between last Friday at 2:00 p.m. and yesterday (Thursday) evening. Katie assures us that she’ll stop going through them at that rate, but I’m pretty impressed by her productivity! We switched temporarily to disposables until Bundle drops off our next set of 80 sometime today. It’ll be fun to let Grandpa and Grandma Hazelton do some diapering next week.

Mom's visor is about as big as the baby! Phoebe sleeps in the coffee shop.
Mom's visor is about as big as the baby! Phoebe sleeps in the coffee shop.


  • Stu

    The diaper count does go down, especially once she starts taking pureed foods. But on the other hand, the…um…contents become Epic. To the point of calling the other parent into the room just to see it, because words alone lack the ability to describe it. Enjoy those little diapers and the little poopies while they last!

  • Erika

    I’m impressed that the umbilical stump already fell off…Genevieve’s hung on for dear life and finally lost the battle at 7 weeks! 80 diapers in a week sounds about right to me. As Phoebe gets bigger she’ll have more “bladder control” and the number of wet diapers will dramatically decrease but the size of the diapers increase at about the same time so the dirty pail fills up even faster!

  • Anna

    Jess, she is just beautiful! I’m impressed with your continued blogging…love the updates. 🙂 Also VERY impressed with your attempt at cloth diapers so early on…we are using cloth now and love them, but didn’t even attempt it until 6 weeks! Hope to see you 3 sometime soon…let me know when you are up for visitors. 🙂

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