Life @ Home

A Smattering of Things

May 22, twenty-one weeks pregnant.

May 23, I left for a work conference in San Francisco. I had all day to walk around the city!

Cool art in the airport: a horse made of driftwood.
The Golden Gate Bridge.
Lombard Street: The "Crookedest Street in the World."

At the end of May, Phoebe decided to try wearing her water backpack and her dolly backpack at the same time. These things will work, if you try hard enough!

Well, I'll just have to wear dolly on the front.
And the water backpack on the back! Notice that she's wearing her tutu over jeans.

Here’s a video:

Beginning of June. Phoebe’s reading Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

As you know from Dave’s great post, we went to watch the transit of Venus on June 5. Here are some people photos: he already posted lots of cool astronomy photos!

A dinner picnic on the Hawley patio at church.
Dave's setup: telescope, laptop, and computer monitor.
A good picture of the solar filter.
Phoebe pointing out Venus.
Dave taking a peek.

June 6

One of Phoebe's fabulous hairdos from school.
Front-side hairdo.

Phoebe’s been kissing animals a lot lately, from real-life cats and dogs to animals in books.

Kissing lion. Note the worn-out spot at the back of his mane.

Phoebe got a kids’ hymnal for her baptism and recently discovered a whole “book of songs!” on her shelf. Here she is singing songs with Daddy.

At Wow! Children’s Museum on June 9.

Going up in the pulley chair.

This is how a 2-year-old eats a turkey wrap!

Sandwich deconstruction.
After a long, fun day.

On June 9, Phoebe was out on the deck (which could really use a resurfacing) when we heard screaming. At first I thought she had a nail in her foot! It turned out to be an enormous splinter that went through the skin on the ball of her foot. I screamed for Dave, who ended up having to pull it out with needle-nosed pliers while I tried to hold Phoebe still. She was brave, though she insisted “can’t walk” for quite a while afterward. Here’s a photo of the wound the next morning (you should be able to see two puncture holes):

That was one huge splinter!

The next day, Phoebe played in her froggy pool out on the deck for quite a while. Here she extends her kissing streak:

And here she reads the book I was trying to read (sorry the video is so long; I was really getting a kick out her):

After a ride in the stroller.

One tired little girl. She refused to leave her stroller when we got home from a walk.

Phoebe loves to eat a mixture of dried papaya, pineapple, and mango that I often buy when I travel. Here I’m interviewing her about it.

June 18. Phoebe is in our coat closet, chewing on a teething toy and wearing her “raisin” shirt and her yellow tutu. Some of you might remember that we called her Raisin before she was born, because we didn’t find out her sex ahead of time. I bought the shirt in New Orleans and had them personalize it. (Phoebe’s new brother or sister is called Noodle.)

Silly kiddo!

June 23. The heat is wearing us all out. It’s been in the upper 90s for about two weeks, so we’re all loafing around like seals…even Phoebe.

Phoebe got a hand-me-down toy from my coworker Lesli. When you turn it on, it plays music and two fans blow balls up a chute. They roll back down a slide…or pop into the air. You’ll see.

Phoebe’s always been a great eater, and she LOVES noodles! She’s eating some leftover beef and broccoli. Dave wasn’t home, so I let her eat at the coffee table for a treat.

June 24. Breakfast.

Shoot; I got yogurt on my tummy!

That evening it was SO HOT we let Phoebe play with the hose in the backyard.

A happy little girl in a swim diaper.

June 27. Phoebe took apart one of those mind challenge puzzles. Now it’s up to Dave to put it back together!

Dave and Phoebe work on the puzzle together.

On Friday night (June 29), we kept Phoebe up late—very late—to watch the Clips of Faith Fat Tire movie festival at 29th Street in Boulder. It was part of Bike to Work Month. Phoebe was delighted by the big blow-up screen and getting to stay up late watching movies in her camp chair (and on my lap, mostly). She also had a great time playing at the little playground at the mall. She learned from another kid how to go down the (very little) slide lying backwards, headfirst. She even made a bunch of friends with other kids.

Sleepy girl enjoying movies with Daddy.

After a long day of church, bumming around town, and watching the EuroCup Finals, the heat did Phoebe in again (high of 97 degrees at our house).

Asleep at 5:30 p.m.

Little did you know that this was going to be a frame post! Here I am again—same clothes, same pose—but this time it’s July 1 and I’m twenty-seven weeks pregnant.


  • Stu

    Congrats on expecting baby #2! It’s tons of fun watching the first one do the big sister thing, and even more so when they can play together.

    I hope that the recent wildfires in Colorado didn’t effect you badly, or any of your other friends and family out there.

    Keep safe, keep cool, and I’m wishing a safe and healthy delivery for “Noodle” and Mommy 😀

  • Valerie Cheuvront

    So much to see all at once, love it ALL! Do you suppose that is what Phoebe thinks Mommy sounds like, when you read to her??? The song, When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder, was one I sang many times in church growing up. You did pretty good job Daddy!

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